(Andrew with the best treasure we've found at the house so far.)
The first few days of owning a home were intense. Three non-stop days of cleaning, scraping, painting, prying, fixing, and all of the aches and pain that go along with that. Oh, there's so much to do.
One of the first things tackled was to remove all the overgrown bushes from the front of the house. My dad and Andrew handled that and the response that we got from the neighbors was overwhelming. We even had people bringing us additional tools to get the job done more easily. It's becoming clear to us that the lady that used to live in our house was not a neighborhood favorite.
Thanks to the help of many family members, we accomplished about 85% of my goal to have the living room and dining room painted and all carpet removed by Tuesday evening. Unfortunately, when all your lamps are in storage and your rooms don't have ceiling lights it's a little hard to work past 5pm. I took a vacation day tomorrow so there's still some time to reach that goal. I just hope that the old powdery-flowery scent in the house will get thrown out with the mauve carpet in the trash.