
The weekend.

So many possibilites lay ahead.

I've been researching a lot of homemade rugs this week. I've got a load of old sheets and t-shirts waiting to be made into something. I was considering going out to buy some plastic pipes and making myself a little DIY loom, but I've found a couple of other options for rug making that don't reguire a loom. However, I think one day I really would like to make my own loom. Weaving was one of my favorite activities from my fibers elective in school.

I have a David Sedaris book sitting on my kitchen table that I've been dying to read but I'm trying to save it until I fly to Florida next week. Once I start in on his books I can't stop.

The botanical gardens would be a good place to go this weekend. I like to take the time to just sit in the greenhouse and draw for a couple of hours.

And then there's the strawberry cupcake mix that I bought...