
Our Wedding: The Getaway.

And away we went to sunny California...

(All photography by Ely Brothers Photography.)


  1. i got to your blog from another blog that linked your watercolor of scuba cat. your wedding looked so fun and very inspiring. your dress was beautiful. congrats! and i will try and visit often :)

  2. The pictures turned out so well! I spent that entire moment trying to get my sparkler lit, so I didn't even really see much of your getaway. I then was the lonely weirdo with the sparklers once everyones were already out. Story of my life? haha

    Miss you guys! I wish that the road to Cleveland wasn't filled with expensive tolls ugh :(

  3. Haha, I don't remember much about it except that Andrew was pretty much pushing me out of there. Ha!

    But we definitely have to get together sometime. Maybe I can talk Andrew into a road trip!

  4. Congratulations - you both look so, so happy.
